Between Passport Stamps

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myths about MONAT

Let’s talk about some myths you may have heard about MONAT and why they’re just that — myths. ⁣⁣

It’s a pyramid scheme

No. Just no. First, a pyramid scheme is illegal and would be shut down. Second, pyramid schemes focus on recruitment and don’t offer products. With MONAT, you earn commission on Retail Customer sales and VIP Customer sales. There are also personal sales bonus thresholds on top of those commissions. Meaning you can make money without adding anyone to your organization.⁣⁣

If you’re concerned about the potential of earning bonuses based on your organization’s performance, you need to look into a lot of other businesses. A lot of managers earn bonuses for what they and their teams do. ⁣⁣

It makes your hair fall out

BIG no. MONAT conducts independent safety studies on finished products and those studies “unanimously conclude that MONAT’s products do not irritate the skin, do not weaken the strength of hair, and do not damage the surface of the hair strand. Rather, MONAT’s products make hair smoother and more manageable.”

All products meet European standards and always have (even when they didn’t have to). In fact, “all MONAT formulations use ingredients that the FDA and European Commission in the European Union consider ‘safe for their intended cosmetic purpose.’” ⁣⁣

MONAT has a world-class team of scientists, doctors, and chemists on its scientific advisory board. ⁣⁣

MONAT allows the hair to naturally shed. Your hair goes through 3 stages of growth: anagen, catagen, and telogen. During the telogen phase, your hair rests then falls out and is replaced by new hair.

Causes of actual hair loss include stress (this is a big one), hormonal changes (like pregnancy and childbirth), medication, and illness. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s most likely due to something going on 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 of you. ⁣⁣

You have to recruit to make money

Nope. You earn commission on all personal sales. Bonuses are earned on top of personal sales commissions if certain thresholds are met. ⁣⁣

I have to buy product every month

Nope! Whether you’re a Retail or VIP Customer or a Market Partner there are absolutely no monthly purchase requirements. Order what you want, when you want.⁣⁣⁣

There are sales quotas

No. You earn commission on everything you sell — whether it’s 1 bottle of product or 1,000 — giving you the freedom to work the business however you want. ⁣⁣

You have to keep inventory

No again! Customers order from your website and the products are shipped directly to them, no middle man. Any products you purchase are yours to do whatever you want with. ⁣⁣

It’s expensive

The initial price can be a sticker shock, but because MONAT’s products are highly concentrated you don’t need to use a lot, making them last longer than other products. In most cases, you actually save money in the long run.
