Between Passport Stamps

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5 things I wish someone would have told me when I started my photography business

Shoot and Edit How YOU Want, There’s No Mold You Have To Fit

Photography is an art, there is no right or wrong way to do it. You didn’t start photography to be like everyone else, you started it to show off your unique style and tell stories in your unique way. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to be something that you’re not. Own your style, there’s no one else like you.

You’re Allowed To Say No

If you don’t want to take on a session, you don’t have to. I don’t care who’s asking you, I don’t care if you could do it, if you don’t want to — don’t. We always feel like we have to take on every inquiry we get if we have that day open. You don’t. You want to be a good boss to yourself, you want to allow yourself days off and time to rest and refresh. You also want to stay true to your style and shoot what you love. If you don’t LOVE weddings, don’t shoot the wedding (no matter how much it pays). If you don’t want to shoot extended families, say no to that inquiry that pops into your inbox for Labor Day Weekend. Saying no is going to help you avoid burnout and continue to LOVE what you do.

Charge What You’re Worth

This one. THIS ONE RIGHT HERE! Do not be afraid to charge what you’re worth. Stop undervaluing yourself. Expensive is different for everyone. I promise you, the right clients will come to you and will see the value in your work.

There’s Room For You

I know, there’s a ton of photographers in your area, but there’s room for you too. Don’t tell yourself that the industry is oversaturated. There’s more than enough room for you to succeed here.

Connect with Other Photographers and Build a Community

Connecting with like-minded people is key. Building a community is so crucial especially when you’re an entrepreneur. The photography industry can be really catty. There are some people that don’t want to connect because of their scarcity mindset. They fear that there’s not enough success to go around and if you succeed they can’t. Don’t be that person. Have an abundance mindset and know that if they succeed it means you can too. Be the photographer you would want to connect with and start to build, you’ll attract the right people.