wedding wednesday: picking wedding bands

First, HEY! Happy Fourth of July!! It's been a long time since I've done a Wedding Wednesday (oops)! Here I am though, comin' at ya with one of the hardest decisions I had to make, picking the ring I'm gonna wear for the rest of my LIFE!


If you're not indecisive then this might sound stupid to you but if you are then you totally get it. It took me FOREVUR to commit to a wedding band. I wanted something different, something timeless yet traditional, something that complimented (and didn't compete with) my engagement ring. Super easy, right? Haha no. OH, yeah, and I wanted to buy it from the same place Dylan bought my engagement ring from. A Cutting Edge is seriously wonderful, they treat you amazing when you walk into the store, so I knew I needed to get my wedding band from there. Wait, one more thing, I needed something resizable too.


Every time I went in I found really wonderful rings but they just weren't speaking to me in the right ways. Too thin, too thick, not enough wow, too much wow, just didn't look right, and the list goes on and on. There's a lot of wedding trends out there and I think the hard thing with that is deciding if you actually like it or deciding if you like it because it's trendy, right now. Like infinity bands were all the wow not too long ago and I thought they were so cool now I'm like meh and lately nature inspired bands are all the wow, leaf-shaped diamonds and all that jazz, which I think is cool but not for me. I'm sure the staff at A Cutting Edge was absolutely hating me after the fourth or fifth time I walked in there (but I promise you they didn't act like it). By the way, Pinterest is the devil when you're actually planning a wedding. 

Then one day I walked in and I found it. The perfect wedding band. I've never seen anything like it or anyone with it (which is almost impossible these days). I love it so much that I actually think my engagement ring doesn't look complete by itself anymore. I can't wait to share it with you guys, it's perfect. 


Now, onto Dylan's. You'd think it would be easy to find the wedding band for your guy, it's not. There's apparently so much that goes into picking one out including color, width, flat or round (and how flat/round), texture, etc. Like what? THEN his needed to be pretty much indestructible and resizable too. Making our choices so limited. BUT luckily we did end up finding one that he (and I) loved aand I can't wait to show you that one too... but I can't yetWhy resizable? Why did each ring need to be resizable? We are very sentimental people. The ring he puts on my finger the day we get married is the ring I'll die with. I don't want to upgrade or change like so many people. I want my ring that was put on my finger when I got married. Surprisingly I found a guy who shares the same values as I do, having a ring resizable was just as important to him as it was to me. Just another reason why I'm obviously marrying the right one.

Another shout out to A Cutting Edge because they are seriously amazing. If you guys are local, check.them.out.
