10 date ideas that don’t involve leaving the house


1) Breakfast⁣⁣⁣

Make breakfast together, try out a new recipe with each other and see if you can make it Pinterest worthy. If you totally botch it, you can both laugh and teach the other how to make coffee just the way you like it.

2) Game night ⁣⁣⁣

You can each pick out 1 or 2 of your favorite games to play, order some takeout, and make a night out of it. If you wanna make it interesting, have the overall 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘳 clean the house or something. Our favorites are Mad Libs and Mario Kart (on the Nintendo 64 of course).

3) Picnic in the living room

Push the coffee table out of the way and lay down a big blanket. Make some finger foods, grab some beer, and picnic. Wanna make it more romantic? Dim the lights and light some candles or you can turn the [Netflix] fireplace on.

4) Dinner⁣⁣⁣

Grab something special from the grocery store and a nice bottle of wine then make dinner together. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Our favorites are homemade pasta and steak!

5) movie night⁣⁣⁣

Turn your bed or living room into a movie theater. Grab a bunch of blankets, popcorn, snacks, and you each get to pick out one of your favorite movies to watch. If you have a projector, hang a bedsheet up and use that! for some extra fun, build a fort.

6) Photo shoot ⁣⁣⁣

Put some fun outfits on and grab a a Polaroid camera (if you have one) or your cell phone and have a little photo shoot. Take pictures together and of each other, it’s fun to see how the other sees you.

7) spa day

Take a bath, do a hair oil treatment, a face mask, and give some massages! Stay in your robe or comfy clothes all day and relax.

8) bake

Whether it’s brownies or bread, make your favorite goodies and have a fun baking day. Don’t be afraid to make a huge mess, as long as you’re both going to help clean it up.

9) spend the day in beD

Binge watch your favorite shows, have a Harry Potter marathon, nap, whatever you want! Have an entire lazy day with each other.

10) workout

What’s better than getting and staying healthy together? Throw on a workout video or find one online and push each other! Have a plank competition, see who can run the fastest or farthest, or do some yoga. Whatever you like to do!

What are your favorite at-home date nights?
