10 things to say goodbye to in 2022

If I’m being honest, I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions and that’s not what this blog post is. By January 21st, 90% of people (probably more) have already given up. January 1st doesn’t change a thing in your life, it’s another day on the calendar. However, I’m still going to share what I think we should all leave behind in 2021 anyways in the hope that it offers you some sort of value.

Say Goodbye to Fear

“Fear does not stop death, it stops life.”

I think that says it all, leave the news and all the bullshit it comes with, in 2021. Live. Your. Life.

Say Goodbye to The Blame Game

Start taking personal responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your parents, your family, your friends, your significant other, your ex, the government, your boss, whoever. Your life is your own responsibility. If you don’t like it, change it. Do self-development. Work on your own toxic traits. Become self-aware and do better — BE BETTER. Nobody is responsible for your happiness and success but you.

Say Goodbye to Toxic Relationships

Easier said than done, huh? Listen, history does not equal a healthy relationship. If your best friend from high school has turned into someone toxic, cut ties. I don’t care how long it’s been. The same goes for romantic relationships, if your reason for being together is we’ve been together for so long, you’re in the wrong relationship. It’s time to let go. Stop settling for shitty relationships.

Say Goodbye to Settling

Stop settling for a job that you hate because it pays the bills or you think that’s the way life is supposed to be. Stop settling for mediocre relationships. Stop settling for a life you don’t want. You can have more. Actually, you can have it all. Stop settling for less and go get it.

Say Goodbye to Self Doubt

You are capable and you are worthy of whatever it is you’re wanting to do but you won’t even TRY because you’re already self-sabotaging by doubting yourself. Have you ever noticed how good little kids are at pretty much anything they try? It’s because they believe they can do it. They’re not telling themselves they’re stupid for trying, they’ll fail, they could never do that, etc. They just do it. Start believing in yourself and your incredible capabilities.

Say Goodbye to People Pleasing

I know this is easier said than done but you have to do it if you want to lead a healthy and happy life. I know you think you can but you cannot make everyone happy — including yourself. There will always be something you do that pisses someone off. Someone will always have a problem with you and that’s okay.

Say Goodbye to the Opinions of Others

I know, it’s almost a cliché isn’t it? I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face. Stop letting the opinion of the girl you went to high school with dictate your life. Hell, stop letting the opinions of your parents control your life. This is YOUR life.

Say Goodbye to Waiting for the Perfect Time

There’s no such thing as the perfect time for anything and honestly, you’ll probably never feel 100% ready for whatever it is you’re trying to do. If it’s been on your mind it’s probably time to just jump in. Life never slows down, we just learn to keep up with it.

Say Goodbye to Comparison

You’ll never be them and they’ll never be you. That’s the way it’s SUPPOSED to be. There will always be someone out there that’s better (and worse) at something than you are. “Comparison is the thief of joy,” I used to scoff at that saying but it’s the truth. We go down the rabbit hole comparing ourselves to people — most of the time people we don’t even personally know — and look down on ourselves. God made you different than them for a reason.

Say Goodbye to Your Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset will just breed more negativity and bitterness in your life. Instead of thinking — they have it, so I can’t — start thinking if they can do it, I can too. There’s plenty of success in this world to go around and believe me when I say, there’s room for you too.