how to create a vision board that actually works

Whether you’re looking to level up in your career, start your own business, get healthy, build a house, become debt-free, or whatever your goal is, a vision board is a must-have for increasing productivity and manifesting and reaching your goals! So how exactly do you make a vision board? What are you supposed to put on it? What do you do with it after you make it? I’m going to tell you!

Grab a Board

First things first, you need a board. I use a corkboard that I bought from Target (I love this because I can change it as I reach goals and set new ones) but you can use anything you want! Head to Target and check out the craft aisle, you’ll find a lot of boards you can use to create your vision board on, just grab whatever is the most aesthetically pleasing to you (this is important because you need to make something that you actually want to look at).

Identify Your Goals

This step seems super obvious but it’s so important. Identify your realistic goals for the next year based on how hard you’re willing to work every single day (I recommend creating a new board every year). Where do you want to be one year from today? What do you want your life to look like in 365 days? Do you want a new car? Do you want to quit your job? Do you want to start a business? Do you want to pay off student debt? Do you want to be fit? Think about what goals you have for yourself and write them down on a piece of paper.

Grab Your Materials

Now that you have your board and your goals in front of you, the next thing you need is to bring it all to life. If you have a printer you can use Google or Pinterest to find the things you want to put on it or you can go old school and grab some books and magazines. I went old school and grabbed books and magazines from HomeGoods (I made sure to flip through them before I bought them to find some things I knew I was going to use). Grab a pair of scissors and start cutting out your visuals. You’ll also need some glue sticks, tape, and/or tacks for sticking your vision to your board.


Start Creating

Now that you’ve got your board, your goals, and your materials, you can start creating your vision board. Be very intentional with this process. I put my biggest goals smack dab in the middle of my vision board with my other goals surrounding it. Don’t be afraid to get creative, put inspiring images on it, but always make sure you stay intentional. You can make your board look however you want but make sure that when you look at it you know exactly what you’re going for and you can picture it.

Watch Your Wording

If you’re putting words along with photos on your vision board make sure you’re using positive wording to focus on. Rather than saying debt-free, say financially free. If you put debt-free on your board, your brain is still seeing the negative word debt. Rather than saying lose weight, you can say get healthy and fit. If you put lose weight on your board, your brain is still focused on the negative weight. See where I’m going here? Make sure you’re using positive and inspiring language for your brain to focus on.

Put It On Display and Take Time to Actually Look At It

Now that you’ve created a vision board you need to display it somewhere you’re actually going to see it. While it’s super therapeutic to actually create a vision board, it does nothing for us if we put it away and never look at it again. Put it up in your workspace, your bedroom, your bathroom, or wherever you’re going to actually look at it and manifest it. Once you’ve decided where you want to display it, take an intentional 5 minutes every morning and 5 minutes every night to look at it and manifest your goals. This step is very important.


Take It A Step Further and Create A Phone Background For It

Wanna take your dreams to the next level? Take a photo of your vision board and set it as your background or create a specific phone vision board and set it as your background. My favorite app to do this is Unfold! You’ll be manifesting your goals all day long.
