why I went to Indy

If you follow me on social media, you probably saw that I took a super quick trip to Indianapolis last week and you’re probably wondering why. The short of it — work! My job is the freaking best, have I mentioned that yet? I got together with other women in the same industry for two days full of getting to know each other, training, goal setting, content shooting, and eating yummy food.

The day we arrived we all went out for a nice dinner followed by hanging out at my mentor’s house. The next day started at 9am with content shooting followed by training and some deep conversation around goals and we wrapped it up by speaking our goals out loud to each other.

Building a community as an entrepreneur is so important, we’re not made to do this thing alone! I promise you, connecting with people who just get it is so beneficial.

I didn’t have a lot of time to explore the city but I do have one recommendation for you — Taxman Brewing Co. This place had the best food and drinks and it was so cute! We went to the one in Bargersville but there is one in Indy as well! It’s definitely worth taking a look at if you have time.