self-development current favs

Something being a business owner has taught me over the last few years is that self-development is necessary. I never used to get it. I thought it was SO stupid, I didn’t see how it would improve anything, and it all just kinda seemed like drinking the kool-aid type of stuff. Little did I know that thinking all of that was a huge red flag that meant I did need self-development and eventually, I started.

Over the past few years, it’s been an absolute game-changer, not just in business but in my personal life too (something I never expected). I’ve learned so much about myself, I’ve become incredibly self-aware, I recognize what triggers me, I’ve started to control my actions and reactions, I’ve learned to set healthy boundaries, I’ve learned more about why other people act the way that they act, and I actually want to continue to grow which is probably the best part because self-development isn’t a destination, it’s a continuous journey.

My favorite self-development resources:


I think the reason this is one of my favorites is because this is what started my entire self-development journey. After I took the enneagram test and learned about my type (and how scary-accurate it was about me) I knew there was something behind this. I took my assessment here and read more in-depth about everything (healthy types, unhealthy types, compatibility, etc) here.


Podcasts are some of my favorite resources because they're super easy to listen to. You can throw them on in the car, while you’re in the shower, getting ready for the day, working on something, etc. My current favorite podcasts are:

Most of these do lean a little more toward self-development in business which is why they’re some of my favorites so if you’re not interested in anything business-y, you might want to find some others!


Books are another great resource that I suck at using. Reading has never been my thing, it’s hard for me to get sucked in and I’m constantly getting distracted by something else so, at the beginning of this year, I launched a challenge for myself and my team that requires reading 10 pages of a self-development book every single day. I’m so glad that I did. My favorite self-development books are:


Lastly, journaling has made a huge impact on my self-development journey. If you’re someone who loves to write, this is probably a given for you, but if you’re like me and need some journaling prompts, these are my favorites:

I hope these help you no matter where you’re at in your self-development journey.

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