the content hack every creator should know

Ever scroll through Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, etc., and see that your favorite creator posts something magical every freaking day? Do you wonder, how the heck do they have the time for that? Who’s filming this? Are they really shooting every single day? Who wants to get ready every day? Or maybe I’m freaking busy, I don’t have time to create magic every day. If you’re struggling to create content on-the-fly, I have just the hack for you — batch create.

Take one day — I usually do this on the days I wash my hair — and just shoot. Get yourself ready (if that’s what you want to do) and shoot a ton of TikToks, Reels, and/or photos. Change your outfits and switch up locations for each shoot so it doesn’t look too much like you’ve just shot everything in one day.

Not only does creating a bunch of content all in one day save you time, but it’s also a lot easier. Once you actually start creating, your creative juices start flowing. You’ll be in the zone and think of ideas so much faster — trust me.


Q: How often should I batch create?

A: Typically, I suggest shooting videos around once a month and photos once a quarter.

Q: How many outfits?

A: However many you want! I usually do 3-4.

Q: Should I batch ALL of my content?

Again, it’s really up to you! I batch to have content ready in case I need to fill in the gaps. I try to post a mixture of batched and on-the-fly content.