7 things network marketing gave me

Hey, hi, if you actually clicked on that title I’m a little surprised (kidding… sorta). I know right, network marketing. I used to CRINGE at all things network marketing. I was, to my core, a true hater. I believed it was always an over-exaggerated, too good to be true, annoying, and [quite frankly] a total shit business model.

Welp, here I am today… a network marketer. Eating my own words. Now, I know that there are crappy companies out there and there are really really bad reps too, but there are also really great companies and really amazing people making a huge difference in their lives and in the world.



Before network marketing, I thought I had everyone I needed in my life and I also wholeheartedly believed that you could be whoever you wanted to be and go for whatever you wanted to go for no matter who you hung out with and talked to on a daily basis. I’ve since learned that you are who you surround yourself with and it’s really insane what kind of a difference it makes in your life when you surround yourself with encouraging, supportive, driven, and ambitious people. I’m not a girl boss or girl gang kind of person (I don’t have anything against them, it’s just not my personality) and I wouldn’t call my community either of those but the relationships I’ve built since joining MONAT have truly felt like the most genuine relationships and I really don’t know what I would do without them. I’m living proof that you don’t know you need it until you know you need it.


Oooof I feel like we all (especially now) can relate to financial stress. When I was working my full-time job having a small extra source of income felt so good and it was so fun. I was traveling more, paying for groceries with my shampoo money, and spoiling my family a little extra for Christmas. Slowly, this small income grew, and in the fall of 2019, I made enough to officially leave my 9-5 banking job to pursue photography and network marketing full-time… enter 2020, no weddings and no photoshoots. Without network marketing, I wouldn’t have survived 2020.


Before MONAT, I was always so stressed out. I hated my banking job, I was burnt out, and, as a result, I fought with Dylan. I was so angry at my own life and it was having a negative impact on our marriage. I knew I was doing it but I didn’t know how to stop it. I felt so hopeless. Enter MONAT. Not only has loving what I do made a difference in my mood, stress levels, and marriage, but the self-development I had to force myself to do has made the biggest difference in my life as a whole but especially in my marriage. I’m not the same person I was four and a half years ago.


I DON’T HAVE TO ASK FOR TIME OFF — EVER. This has been a life goal of mine for as long as I can remember. I’ve always hated the thought of having a boss and I can’t think of a time when my dream job was to work for someone — it’s always been to work for myself. Not only do I make the income to travel but I also get paid to travel (hello DREAM job). Each year MONAT hosts incentive trips that you earn for, wait for it, doing your job. Seriously, these trips are so attainable and everyone has the opportunity to earn them no matter what their rank or how long they’ve been partnered with the company.


The whole reason I started was because of my hair. I had really bad hair and I needed something to help it. Fast forward to today, my hair is incredible, and since we’ve launched skincare I’ve never felt more confident in my own skin. My confidence levels are so much higher than they’ve ever been.


Network marketing made Mallory Peasley Photography better than it’s ever been before. I’m booking clients that are right for me (and clients that I’m right for). I’m not burning myself out. I’m charging the prices that I’m worth. I’m learning to say no when it’s necessary. I have more opportunities to be creative and expand my knowledge and skill levels. All around, it’s made more of an impact on my photography business than I ever thought it would.


Above all else — this is the one. Freedom to be me unapologetically, freedom to work from anywhere, freedom to create my own schedule (no — I’m not working all of the time), freedom to travel whenever and wherever I want, freedom. I’ll never ever take this for granted.

All in all, life has such a funny way of working out and God is truly amazing. This is really the dream job I never dreamed of.

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