lake tahoe

I’ve seen the photos on Instagram of the clear blue lake with snow-capped mountain views and it’s always been a someday location for me (after Europe is finished, of course). Life doesn’t ever go the way you plan it, though, and I was scheduled a long layover in Reno (pics of the city at the end of this) when I decided to rent a car and finally check off a place that’s been on my bucket list for years — Lake Tahoe. My only regret is seeing it without Dylan.

How lucky am I to have been able to visit Lake Tahoe — for the very first time — when it’s at its clearest in over 40 years? Couldn’t have planned it better if I tried. Photos truly don’t do it justice and I’m already planning my trip back (with Dylan this time).

I was able to drive around the entire lake, stop at the cutest coffee shop — Cuppa Tahoe — and experience this place in the sunshine and during a thunderstorm. It’s hard to believe this all happened in a day.