
Well here we are—the last leg of our honeymoon. The end. I can’t believe it’s almost over, don’t get me wrong I am so excited to be here but this is it. Getting here wasn’t easy, we walked two miles to the ferry and one of our suitcases lost a wheel (our biggest suitcase—of course). We rode the ferry to Salerno where we bought two train tickets to Rome that left in a half an hour but we couldn’t figure out which platform it was on. I waited in line for 20 minutes—freaking out because our train now leaves in ten minutes, only to get to the front of the line and realize that I waited in line at the WRONG COMPANY. We’re on our own now, we just frantically started looking for people who were going to Rome. We found the right train and I don’t even know how but whatever—we made it.

When we arrived in Rome we had to walk another two miles (with our suitcase still missing a wheel) to our Airbnb. When we finally stepped foot into what would be our home for the next few days it was all worth it. We stayed in our very first Airbnb Plus home and it was awesome, it was less than a mile from The Colosseum, we had two complimentary bikes, a full kitchen, a living room bigger than our house, and a projector with a huge projector screen. The only thing that sucked about it? We were in Rome! We wanted to be outside, not at the apartment but it did make coming back at night that much more fun.

Once we got settled in we explored the area a little and, as usual, I wanted food. We went to a nearby restaurant for some pasta and wine. I bought a bottle of wine—at a restaurant—FOR FIVE EUROS. It was right then that I discovered Rome gets me. We sat and ate and talked and drank and it was so so good. Bittersweet because we were on the very last leg of our trip, but good. I really tried to focus on the fact that we were in Rome and not on the fact that we were going home soon.

After food the first thing on our list was the obvious—The Colosseum. We walked for a few minutes and as promised by our Airbnb Host, there it was. It’s pretty beautiful. There’s just something about seeing things on TV for so long and thinking “man I’ll never see that in real life” then actually seeing it IN REAL LIFE. If you’ve dreamed of going—go.


The next big thing I had on my list was to live out my Lizzie McGuire dream—throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain. If you haven’t seen the movie don't talk to me, just kidding but I would recommend checking it out. It took forever for our offline map to locate where the fountain was and find us a good route but WEEE MADE IT! Of course it was packed but I didn’t care, I was elbowing my way to the front to throw the damn coin in there and make my freaking magical wish, Dylan’s such a good sport about my quirky dreams. Sometimes I wonder what he would do in a foreign country if I wasn’t along with?? I mean, he never really cares if we see a lot of things haha and he doesn’t want to live out things that he sees in movies (what???).

Made it to the front and made my wish—have a feeling it’ll probably come true but I’m still not tellin’ ya what I wished for because we all know what happens when you do that. No but in all seriousness it’s a really beautiful sight to see, 10/10 would definitely recommend. However, if you want to avoid the crowd you’ll have to arrive precisely at sunrise.

The rest of our time was spent eating and drinking and walking around just checking it all out. We did check out the Vatican too and that was pretty cool, I grew up catholic (and even attended a catholic school) so I figured I had to at least go see it.

I know throughout my series of honeymoon blog posts I don’t have a lot of tips or tricks or do this or do that, but that’s because it was so important to Dylan that I lived it with him—rather than documenting the shit out of it for my blog/Instagram. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, where we wanted and while I truly hope these blog posts offer some insight on the places we went to and the things that we did, their main purpose is for us or our kids or family to look back on and know that we lived and loved the way we lived. One day when we’re 80, I want to look back on these posts and these photos and remember what we have forgotten.

Hope you enjoyed.