
We celebrated EIGHT YEARS! Ahhhh! Our last dating anniversary! So what better way to celebrate than to spontaneously jet off to another city?

Earlier this year we started talking more in depth about our honeymoon. Not just where to go or what to do but more importantly [to me] what to bring and how to document it. Dylan really expressed that he did not want me taking my DSLR (big camera) on vacations. He explained that I'm too distracted with capturing the moment that I don't get to actually enjoy the moment, and he's right (insert annoyed emoji right here). BUT as a compromise I asked him for a small, easy to use (so we could both use it), camera that had better-than-cell-phone-but-not-quite-as-good-as-DSLR capabilities. We decided to go with a GoPro. Let me tell you, I am NOT disappointed. It's extremely user friendly, it's quick, it's so easy to carry around, I can put it away when I'm not using it and pull it out super fast when I need to capture something. I did not think I would love this tiny camera as much as I do, and Dylan loves it too! He actually wants to use the camera!

We stretched a little out of our comfort zone and decided to try something different: video. Photography will always be my number one, but Dylan has taken a liking to video recently and I'm all about pursuing new things and different passions. I never thought he would be interested in anything that isn't music or car related, but he's got some serious talent (and we've only had it for two weeks).

We tested it out here and there doing small things but when I found out we were going to Vegas for our eighth anniversary I figured it would be a perfect time to actually put it to the traveling test! Go easy on us... we're newbies and I promise the next video we post will be way better ;)

We spent three days in Vegas and I don't think we needed a moment more. We managed to: see the sign, walk the strip, explore Fremont Street, rent a car and drive out to the Hoover Dam, explore the desert, take a helicopter tour, eat at Hell's Kitchen and In-N-Out Burger, watch the Fountains at the Bellagio, ride the roller coaster, play at Top Golf, get inked, and, to top it all off, we got to see the Eagles steal the Patriots' Super Bowl victory! Successful trip!
