I'm a bad blogger

Let's face it. I don't get on here as much as I should. I really do have a lot I want to share, projects that I have in mind, things that I want to do for the blog; but I don't do them. I don't work on them. Yes I have three other jobs and a wedding to plan that has been taking up a lot of my time but that's no excuse. I'm a bad blogger.

I'm a bad blogger but I still have you guys right here reading along, waiting for the next post (if it'll ever come), so I have to apologize for my lack of work and lack of effort in this blog. I promise to try to be better, to share more content and to tell more stories. 

A little life update: my eel pout video that I was supposed to post over a month ago is finished (and has been), I just need to find the internet fast enough to upload it and post it here. I live in the country, my internet apparently can't handle it, but I promise you that it is worth the wait. So keep your eyes peeled for it.

Please don't ask me how wedding planning is going, it sucks. The other day I actually put my wedding band on and pranced around the house like I was married so that I could pretend that I didn't have to do anymore planning, pathetic I know but whatevs, mental break downs happen. BUT we just booked the first half of our honeymoon and that was waaaay exciting so I guess planning has it's ups and downs. I cannot wait to share the whole honeymoon with you on the blog and a little hint about our trip: we're staying in a CASTLE!!! Ahhhh pretty sure I'll be prancing around in a crown the whole time (insert crying laughing emoji here along with the princess emoji because I'm royal AF). So that's the highlight of my wedding planning, the rest sucks and I hate it but I can't wait until it's here because I do know that in the end all the hard work and money will be worth it. 

My dogs have been so bad lately. No it's not because I didn't train them, it's because I haven't been paying enough attention to them lately. I've been shoveling myself into everything else in my life right now and that is not fair to them. So I'm trying to be better for them. They are only here for a short time and they deserve literally the world, so if the blog hits the back burner for that, then I'm not sorry. 

I've stopped my Project 52. Yep, I wasn't very far into it, but I decided creating for the sake of creating and having content is bull shit. If it doesn't inspire me I'm not picking up my camera and that's exactly what happened, I was trying too hard and wasn't inspired. So now, when I am inspired, I pick the camera up and work with it, if I'm not inspired for one week then I'm not picking up the camera and forcing it. Writers block exists everywhere and I have no shame in having it with photography. Life gets hard.

Instagram!!! Insta is a great way to keep updated on everything. It's so much easier to post and share things there, I just have to snap a photo and wa-la there it is with an honest caption to keep everyone updated on what's going on with me. I'm trying my best to be transparent on the internet because if I can help at least one person or make one person say "hey, I thought it was just me" then I'm happy with it. So if you're interested head over there and follow along, otherwise you can stay here and wait for the next post... I promise it will come! For now, enjoy March's grainy self portrait. 
