how to use social media positively

“Social media is so negative,” “I need a break,” “social media stresses me out,” “I think I need to delete… [Facebook/Instagram/Twitter]” — I’m sure you’ve heard it. You may have even said it yourself, especially considering the last 365 days. Social media can be an extremely negative and draining space if you allow it to be but it can also be a positive and inspiring place if you want it to be. Your social media experience, for the most part (we can’t control the occasional unwanted direct message), is completely up to you. Let me share my two best tips for making social media a positive space with you.

Delete, Unfollow, or Mute Anyone Who Makes You Feel Like Shit

This right here. If you notice that every time you see someone’s post it makes you feel bad, you have permission to delete, unfollow, or mute them. Whether you’re constantly comparing yourself to them or they post things that upset you for whatever reason, you have the right to protect your space and set boundaries. There’s a toxic belief out there that just because you know someone, you have to allow them into your social media space — you don’t. When I’m scrolling and notice a post I don’t like, I ask myself these questions: “is this post/account inspiring?” “is this post/account valuable?” “do I feel good when I look at these posts?” “do I feel good when I watch these stories?” if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a big no from me. If it’s someone I know and am friends with, we can connect in person and catch up there. Don’t you ever let someone make you feel guilty for setting clear boundaries and making your social media space positive.

Be the Account You Want to Follow

What do you want to see on social media? What kind of posts? What kind of photos? What would the captions say? Become that account. Be the source of inspiration, be the positive light, be relatable, be the valuable account. You’re going to start seeing social media in a totally different light. You may even look forward to opening the app because you know that you’ll be posting things that you would want to see and you know you’ll be helping others. Believe it or not, you’ll start to attract accounts similar to you and that will make your space positive as well.
