how early should you arrive to the airport before your flight leaves?

A common question I’m asked is “how early do I need to arrive at the airport before my flight leaves?” so let’s just dive right into it today.

Wellllllll, it honestly depends on the airport you’re flying out of, if you’re flying domestically or internationally, if you have TSA Precheck, if you’re checking a bag, and how fast you can run (kidding on the last one… sorta). I know, not the answer you were hoping for. Wouldn’t it be great if there was just a good solid answer for everything?

At an average airport, I always recommend arriving a minimum of 90 minutes before your flight takes off (earlier if it’s a very large and busy airport — like Atlanta — and a little later if it’s a pretty small and quiet airport — like Fargo). That way if you have to check a bag or have any problems going through security you have some wiggle room.⁣ If you’re flying internationally, I would stretch that out and at least arrive 2 hours before your flight leaves.

My personal preference is to arrive at least 2 hours early so I can have some time to get coffee, look at planes, and relax after I’ve gone through security and found my gate. ⁣I love being in the airport though so if you’re not a weirdo like me, 90 minutes is a good place to start.

Some people don’t like to wait and I get that but I’d rather wait for a little than miss my flight. ⁣If you’re willing to run as fast as you can across the airport hoping to make it in time and willing to risk missing your flight — you’re more than welcome — I just am not.

What time do you typically arrive at the airport? Let me know in the comments!
