a letter to the girl who hasn’t found the one yet

A letter to the girl who hasn’t found the one yet:⁣

Please wait.

Wait for the person who makes you laugh when you’re on the verge of crying. Wait for the one who remembers just how you take your coffee and which mug you prefer it in. Wait for the one you’d be proud to have a child just like and for the one who makes you smile when you think about them. Wait for someone who shares your values and who’s willing to learn and grow with you. Wait for the person who pursues you. Wait for someone you can stay up all night talking and laughing about nothing and everything all at the same time. Wait for the person who loves what you love simply because they know how much it makes you smile. Wait for the one who pushes you to be the best you can be. Wait for someone who supports you. Wait for the person you can fight with and still 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to work to get through it. Wait for someone you can trust 𝘢𝘯𝘥 who trusts you. Wait for the person who sees and treats you with respect as an equal and as a teammate. ⁣

Wait for love.

The good stuff. The kind that still gives you butterflies 11 years later. The love that’s written all over your faces. The love that drives you crazy sometimes but you just don’t care. wait for the love you deserve. ⁣

You’re not too much. You aren’t too thin or too big, your hair isn’t too long or too short, you aren’t too tall or too short. You are enough. ⁣

Until then, be in love with you. Work to be the best you that you can be. Learn what you love and what you don’t. Learn who you are. Love who you are and never 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 settle. The right person is out there — please wait for them.