4 Valentine's Day dates that don't involve leaving the house

I know it’s just a Hallmark holiday but I love Valentine’s Day. I love LOVE! The other day Dylan and I sat down and thought about some of our favorite at-home date ideas. Here in Minnesota it’s below zero temps and I know with world conditions not everyone wants to go out right now, so here are some really fun ideas that you can do right at home!

Dinner and a Movie

Sounds pretty basic, I know, but this is one of our favorite ways to have date night at home! We (Dylan) usually make a steak dinner and pair it with our favorite wine. We use this time to talk and connect. After dinner, we pop some popcorn and rent a movie from the Playstation Store, Amazon, Roku, or Vudu. If we can’t find a new movie that we want to see, we rewatch a favorite of ours.

Arts and Crafts

If you’re really good at crafting, this is a fun way to get creative. If you’re like me and art is not your forte this is fun because of how hilarious everything turns out. Go on Pinterest and pick out a project that you want to attempt. If you nail it, you get to add something pretty into your life. If you don’t nail it, it’s hilarious. Either way, you win.


Game Night

Whether it’s board games or video games, game night is another favorite! You can get competitive and come up with some prizes or have it laid back. Catch Phrase, Trivia, and Expoliding Unicorns are some of our current favorites but our all-time favorite? Mario Kart. Grab some pizza and beer and dust off the old Nintendo 64. Pop in Mario Kart and race your little heart out! We always love to pick a character we hate and gang up on them during the race, it’s usually Peach. Actually, I lied, it’s always Peach (I’ve never hated a character so much)😂


This is probably more my favorite than it is Dylan’s favorite but either way — it’s a fun idea and you get to make some memories you can frame later. Whether you have a digital camera, a phone, an instant film camera, or all three this can be a fun way to connect. Grab a tripod or prop whatever you’re using onto something (books, a chair, tape it to the wall, etc.) and get creative! You can use Pinterest to get inspired. Have fun with it. Try out different poses, get close, have a makeout sesh, dance in your underwear, do whatever makes your heart happy. It’s always fun to look back at the pictures and see all the love! Don’t stress about the awkward weird-looking photos, we all get those when we’re trying to take self-portraits.