20 facts about me

20 facts about me — let’s get to know each other!


2. I actually really love to get dressed up

3. I have (and have always had) really high expectations for myself and struggle celebrating anything below them. an A- in a class was never worth celebrating to me and onetime in 4th grade I got a word wrong on a spelling test and cried myself to sleep over it (I might actually need therapy🥲😂)

4. on that note — I’ve never failed a class or an assignment (in the eyes of the standard grading system). ⁣

5. I didn’t learn how to drive a manual until my early 20s. ⁣

6. I can’t think of a time when I didn’t want to be a business owner. ⁣

7. I love surprises (the good ones). ⁣

8. Root Beer, Mountain Dew, and Dr. Pepper are the only kinds of pop I like and I only drink them with certain meals. I could never just go for a pop.⁣

9. I don’t own any full-face makeup and I have NO idea how to put any of it on. just gimme the lipstick and mascara. ⁣

10. I hate reading and I wish I loved it. ⁣

11. I’m 5’7. ⁣

12. sometimes I feel really guilty for having a good childhood and good parents because, according to the internet, everyone else was traumatized as a kid. ⁣

13. I’m an enneagram 4w3. ⁣

14. I wish I loved health and fitness but I prefer chips and naps. ⁣

15. I have no problem speaking my truth 𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 you invite me over for dinner and make something I don’t like — you can bet your butt I’ll eat it all with a smile😂⁣

16. I don’t know how to cook a steak. ⁣

17. I’ll take -20° and snowy over 85° and humid any day of the week. ⁣

18. I’m not a fan of leggings. can’t find a comfy pair. ⁣

19. I’ve never purchased anything designer. ⁣

20. I love airplanes. ⁣

Do we have anything in common??