hair tips that cost you nothing

I know a lot of the time if you want to improve something in your life it requires an investment. Whether it’s a class to improve a skill, a book, a therapist, new products, new shoes, a new car, or honestly anything. I’ve got some hair tips for you that don’t cost a thing and they’re still effective:

  • shake your shampoo before using it

  • ALWAYS shampoo 2x

  • focus the shampoo on your scalp, don't lather your ends

  • rinse your shampoo thoroughly

  • use cold water when washing and rinsing

  • gently squeeze out excess water before applying conditioner

  • gently brush/comb conditioner through for even distribution

  • leave conditioner in for 2+ minutes

  • NEVER sleep with wet hair

  • sleep with your hair in a protective style (these also help preserve style)

  • massage your scalp daily to boost growth

  • wash and rinse with cold water to stimulate blood flow and boost growth

  • always brush your hair from the bottom up

  • turn your heat down, 360 degrees or less

  • let your curls cool before brushing/combing through them

  • use your dry shampoo like a deodorant, apply it BEFORE you need it (before you go to bed, before a workout, etc.)

  • no dry shampoo more than 2 days in a row

  • don't put your hair in tight hairstyles everyday