
I always feel like an old person when I talk about how time files, but Summer 2017 literally flew by. I was busy every single weekend from June 17-August 26.

In a nutshell 2017 can be described as one of my craziest summers. A quick recap: I celebrated one of my best friend's from college last night as a single lady then stood by her side and watched her pledge her love to the man she'll spend the rest of her life with, rode as many trails as I could at Spider Lake, lit a bunch of fireworks off for the Fourth of July, partied with the best for my brother-in-law's milestone birthday, explored Interstate Park as we had our engagement photos taken, spent a fabulous weekend with my family on Lake Mary, watched an old high school friend vow to love one man for the rest of her life, spent an incredibly hot and sticky day at Valleyfair, and finally ended summer with a road trip to Duluth and a seriously amazing photo shoot. 


Mallory's Photography

I cant remember the last time I was so busy for so long, when every single weekend had something going on. So this Labor Day Weekend Dylan and I spent our time at home doing nothing  (or at least I was). I needed the time to mentally reset and literally just relax. Saturday I spent the entire day laying on the couch, drinking coffee, binge watching Grey's Anatomy, and trying to sneak a nap in whenever I could. I didn't brush my hair, I didn't put on a bra, makeup, or pants, I didn't even workout because I just didn't want to. It felt so freaking good. So good to have zero plans, zero commitments, and not work for three whole days.

Cheers to the end of summer! I'm more than ready for fall.  
