followers don't equal money - how I've been able to monetize social media with less than 1000 followers and how you can do the same

There’s a common misconception out there that you can’t monetize your brand if you don’t have thousands of followers on social media but the number of followers you have doesn’t have anything to do with your income potential. I’ve managed to monetize my social media with less than 1000 followers over the last few years and — whether you’re wanting to make a few dollars or a full-time income — you’re more than capable. My top tips for monetizing social media:

Start Viewing Your Following As People

10 followers don’t seem like a lot in the Instagram world but 10 lives you can make an impact on is. Each follower is an individual person that you’re showing up for, each follower is a PERSON that you can help. Show up for the 10 like you would show up for the 100,000+.

Add Value and Inspire

Be a valuable resource on the internet. Share tips and tricks on the things you’re knowledgeable in. Not sure where to start? Think about what people you know come to you for. Is it a recipe? Relationship advice? Fashion? Beauty tips? Still not sure? Reach out to some close friends and ask them what you’re good at. You’re valuable and you do have something to offer.

Be Consistent

If you want to monetize your social media, you have to build trust, if you want to build trust, you have to show up every day. Showing up only when you feel like it shows that it’s about you, showing up every day no matter what proves that it’s about them (your followers). When it comes down to it, monetizing social media is about serving your followers, it’s not about you. Get lost in the service of others, show up every day.

Only Promote What You Actually Love

If you’re going to promote something, make sure it’s something you really do love. Don’t let the excitement of a collaboration jeopardize your integrity (because trust me, brands will be reaching out to you and asking you to promote their products). You wouldn’t want to buy something that someone you trusted promoted only to find out it’s awful, would you? No. Don’t be the person that wants more for themselves than they want to give others. People will always remember the one thing you recommended that sucked over everything else you talked about that was great. ⁣

Be Yourself

People are here for you. If they wanted to follow someone else, they would. People can sense when you’re being fake and it makes them distrust or even dislike you, it’s also just plain icky. Show up in your true authentic way and connect with your audience the way that only you can. If you lose some followers in the process, that’s okay. You want people who want to be here. ⁣
