20 facts about me - get to know me better

I’m terrible with introductions and writing about myself. I constantly overthink it and wonder does anyone really care? So I know this post is long overdue but I’ve finally pulled myself together to write it and share it with you. Do we have anything in common?

  1. I hate wearing my hair up.

  2. I’ve had a crush on my husband since I was 10 years old.

  3. Despite the constant disbelief, red is not my natural color, it’s blonde (no — it’s not strawberry blonde either).

  4. I’ll take a Minnesota winter over the summer any day of the week.

  5. I don’t know how to cook a steak… or start our grill.

  6. I don’t own a pair of heels.

  7. I love airplanes and airports.

  8. I’ve never bought anything designer.

  9. I love water and always have. I will most likely take it over anything else you offer me to drink (unless it’s coffee or wine).

  10. When that “show your boyfriend this picture and have him guess what it is” challenge was happening on social media I had to google what it was — it was a beauty blender😂 the only makeup I own is for my eyes and my lips.

  11. I can sleep anywhere, seriously, I can fall asleep in the car on the way to the grocery store or on an airport floor, doesn’t matter.

  12. I actually do like surprises.

  13. I really hate cats — even your cat that doesn’t act like a cat.

  14. I think everyone should know how to drive a manual.

  15. I don't like Coke or Pepsi or really any pop for that matter — Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and Rootbeer is all.

  16. I love grand gestures, Valentine’s Day, and other cheesy things.

  17. I’m 5’7.

  18. I hate baked beans.

  19. I actually really love getting dressed up.

  20. I’ve never failed a class.
